Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 34 (Buin with Hna Trujillo & Hna Zelaya)

 WOW! What a week... what a morning! We (Hermana Trujillo, Hermana Zelaya, and I) all said our goodbyes  to Hna Irrazabal and sent her off to the airport with the secretaries... I cried like a baby. She is incredible and I'm going to miss her like mad and that's all Im going to say about that because if I try to say more I might just start crying again. 

NEWS: SO, as for cambios.... I am staying here (obviously) BUT I am going to be in a trio with Hna Trujillo and Hna Zelaya and we are going to have to divide our time between the 2 sectors we have (Alto Jahuel and Buin).  It is going to be crazy and very interesting but we are all overly excited! I love Hna Trujillo and Hna Zelaya, Hna Trujillo has been in the house with me since I arrived, she goes home at the end of this cambio but she is another one of those noble and great ones and I know that I will learn A TON from her as well.  Hermana Zelaya has 6 months in the mission but is also amazing and we get along great!  Oh and she is from Bolivia.  These next 4 weeks are going to be amazing, theres no doubt about it! But I also know that where much is given much is expected so I'm preparing myself! lol  We are aware that we will most likely face a lot of oposition from the adversary, but we are putting on the "whole armor of God" ;)  I really feel spoiled at this point as far as companions go, because I remeber all this time living in the house with Hermana Trujillo thinking about how much a admire her as a missionary and that I would love to have her as a companion to be able to learn from her as well (because Hna Irrazabal and she are both AMAZING missionaries, but they both have different forms of teaching and different ways of being).  At the time I was sure it was impossible to be her companion as well, but now I got my wish! haha  Like I said, I feel really spoiled, but we 3 as a companionship are SUPER excited!
What else?  This week has been amazing, we worked hard and finished strong as a companionship and my companion never for one second got trunky, she is s real trooper.  We made a pact that we have to see each other again SI O SI [yes or yes...or no doubt about it] lol.
I am excited for these new changes and to see the miracles tha await us in this cambio. This week we had our zone conference and it was superb! Like every zone conference and meeting with the President, APs, etc it was SO inspired!  It was exactly exactly what each one of our investigators needed!  I always leave from meetings like that feeling like someone has taken the blind fold off my eyes that I didn't even know I had on!  I love how the Lord really guides us through His representatives here on the earth, I know He loves each and every one of His children with an infinite love and that He is aware of every last one and knows them by name! He guides His representatives here on the earth through revelation and they truly recieve revelation for each and every one of us.  How wonderful is the Gopel of Jesus Christ!  How merciful is our God!
Fam  bam! Love you lots and lots!  Portense bien, si no, les mato ;)  Sigan adelante con firmeza en Cristo! LES AMO MUCHO! Cuidense! Disfruten su semana!  [Everyone behave or I'll have to kill you;) Keep moving on firmly in Christ!  I love you so much!  Take care!  Enjoy your week!]

Kiss all the kids for me !  Tell them I love them! 

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